On this page, I reveal how one of my clients went from NEVER launching a coaching offer before, to pulling $1750 A DAY (with just 3500 followers, in just 5 days)... and how you, too, can:

Turn Your 4-Figure Social
Media Following Into a
$10K/mo Freedom Business

Likes are cash — IF you handle your coaching business the Digital Odyssey way. Read on and I’ll show you exactly how.


Dear Reader,It’s New Year’s Eve 2024.You’re sat on a beach in Bora Bora. It's 5pm. It’s still hot. The sun is low in the sky and you’ve got a cigar in your right hand.You ponder the last few months of your life. How far you’ve come. Where you are right now…It’s a strange feeling… the feeling of absolute freedom and complete security.No boss telling you to be back to work on Monday…No concern about where the next paycheck is coming from…You puff your cigar with a smile of your face knowing you’ll never be working in an office ever again.Your phone buzzes in your pocket. You check it. It’s Stripe. One of your clients just paid the second instalment from the offer you launched last month.$3000. That’s $9000 this week. Tonight… drinks are on you.These days it feels like all you need to do is press a button and money hits your account.You press one button, and money flows to you.You press another, and you’re on a plane to Bali.It’s life — and business — on easy mode.

Who knew online business could give you this life in such a short amount of time?Just 6 months ago you were struggling to make it work…You USED to slave away, engaging with people for hours… most of them people you don’t even like.Now you spend less than an hour a day on social media and INSTEAD get to focus on the things that grow your bank account.You USED to struggle to find people interested in your ideas, your offer and you as a person.Now they come to you.You USED to feel like you were barking up the wrong tree… that perhaps you might be moving back in with your parents or letting everyone around you down.Now they’ve never been more proud of you (and maybe even a little bit jealous…).You have status: People respect you.You have “fans”. People want to be around you… some even PAY you just to be friends with them.8-figure CEOs are in your DMs asking for you to teach them what you know…You're in demand.You have a network of powerful friends: 100,000+ sized social media accounts. Millionaire marketers. Thoughts leaders. Podcasters and influencers. And now your childhood friends are hitting you up with DMs like “would love to go for a coffee sometime and catch up” (that’s code for: “teach me bro…”)And here's the best part...You have a business which PAYS you simply for existing.People think you're lying when you tell them (honestly) that the $9,000 you've made this week alone comes from a tiny, unremarkable social media following.… And getting paid to have fun and help cool people build cool sh*t.Money no longer dictates your lifestyle — your lifestyle dictates your money.And most importantly…You have the power to make 5-figures (more if you choose) a month on your own terms, anywhere – any time – with only a few thousand followers.How, specifically, have you engineered such a drastic positive change to your income and lifestyle so FAST?That, dear Reader, is what I’m going to show you in the next few minutes.See, I’m about to give you the exact system — which I’ve used personally and helped a select few others implement, too — you need to follow to make this happen in your own life.

So... About This 'Freedom Business' Thing

You’re probably wondering how we’re going to do this.It’s not easy, per se — but it is simple.Most gurus want to overcomplicate things and make it sound scary… or worse: that their way is THE ONLY way.I’m not going to tell you that.Instead, I’m going to show you the simple way.The way you can start getting paid simply for sharing your ideas…The way you can grow a profitable personal brand without needing a big audience or relying on ads or cold DMs…The simplest possible way you can monetise your obsession and scale to the 5-figure mark.Before I show you how you’re going to do this, though, you should know something.What you’re about to see is 100% real and 100% proven.Virgin offers that rake in multi-5 figures in just 5 days (with ZERO advertising)...College students converting likes into $8K PROFIT in a matter of weeks...How 300 followers became dream business “side-hustle” revenue which pays off mortgages...

Revealed: Low-Follower, High-Revenue Freedom Business Model

Listen: there’s a bunch of ways to make money online.There’s a bunch of ways to achieve freedom.But this is THE model that I’ve personally used (for myself and my clients) to speedrun to a five-figure monthly income with a relatively modest social media following.Let me be blunt here.This is very fucking simple.Not easy, as I said. But simple.Here’s the four-step action plan:1) An Irrefusable Offer:When you know your ideal customer inside-out, you know exactly how to make them offers they can’t refuse.We do this with a proven research method I’ve used to survey hundreds of people and get them to tell me EXACTLY what they want . Then we convert that knowledge into power. I’ll show you how to make a promise your audience would feel ridiculous saying no to. As you'll see with my client Matt (down below) who sold out his first coaching offer in 5 days, generating $20,000 in revenue – PROFIT.2) A Deep-Value Audience:Time to build leverage. With your ICP and offer tuned in, we then tune your digital assets: Your profile, your email list and your content. We turn these to speak directly to your ICP, so you can attract hordes of raving fans: predictably and repeatably. This means that you'll have the "right", receptive crowd to present your Irresfusuable Offer to – an audience which you OWN, and that you can sell to over and over because they adore you. See down below how Connor was able to attract the right crowd: a Deep-Value Audience – and monetise it to the jingle of $8,000 revenue in just a matter of weeks (with less than 1500 followers!).3) Seamless Sales:Your social media following gets you traffic. Your offer gets you leads. Your sales skills get you clients... We do this by making OFFERS.Handraisers in emails. DM autoplugs. Direct DMs (the non-cringey way that’s helped me scale my revenue to $15K months). We’ll then take whatever you have lying around to craft sales assets which convert into piping-hot leads. Then I give you the plug-and-play sales script which has closed me $6000+ deals on the call. So you can close prospects simply by reading off a screen. As you make your way through this letter, you'll see proof of this claim in the form of screenshots from my own stripe and bank accounts... yes I do that.(What most DON’T realise is that there’s people in your audience RIGHT NOW who want to give you money. You just have to smoke ‘em out — then convert them).4) Conquer & Compound:Once we’ve validated your offer, your audience building is on autopilot and your closing game is on point, we start building leverage.We do this by systematising all of the above and giving you a clear, repeatable, moneyprinting game plan.Which means that your inbox will swell with inbound leads who want… NO: NEED your product or service. No more feast or famine. Then we work on serving your clients so well that they never want to stop paying you. When you get stuck into the client succes stories below, take a look at how Ahaab was able not only to retain... but UPSELL his client over time: TRIPLING HIS INCOME. Now that's compouding.We’ll break down each phase of the protocol over the 10 weeks, and by the end you’ll be $10,000 richer – with a plan to do it on repeat, over and over again.It couldn’t be more straightforward.And don’t worry… when it comes to the acquisition, I’ll be giving you the exact step-by-step roadmap which helped Matt make $20,000 in just 5 days (more on that below...).I know, it can’t be that simple right?Here's a little look inside the program, and how the Freedom Business Protocol is structured.

Proof You Can Turn Your Modest Social Media Following Into a Cash-Producing Freedom Business!

Listen, I get it.You see this sort of thing all the time, right?Some dude posting selfies from exotic locations, promising you fast money.If you didn’t have some reservations about that, I’d encourage you to dig a little deeper.The truth is, I wouldn’t be writing to you today were it not for the people who trusted me to help them.You should know — before you decide for yourself whether you want to come on this journey, too — what my low-follower, high-revenue freedom business looks like in action.

$0 → $8,000 (in just 90 days) With Less Than 1500 Followers

I’ve helped Connor make $8,000+ since we started working together.Now look: He'd NEVER monetised his audience before.We were starting for absolute scratch.ZERO.And with only 1300 followers.But within the first few weeks, he bagged his first client at $3000.Take a look:

And since, he’s managed to scale to $8K revenue from implementing The Freedom Business Model.I say it again... From ZERO.You still think it's "too soon" to generate revenue from your audience?

True Story: The $20,000 “Napkin Launch”

Then there’s Matt.We had one call… and hatched a plan to launch his first-ever coaching offer.We created an 8-step system which I wrote on the back of a scrap of paper and gave to him which I’ve famously called “The Napkin”...The result?

$20,000 in sales.And selling it was easy...

• No ads
• No cold DMs
• No social posts about it
We just followed the 4 steps of the Freedom Business Model:1. Create an irrefusable offer…
2. Build a Deep-Value audience…
3. Seamless selling…
4. Compound & conquer
Simple. Logical. Repeatable.I don’t exaggerate when I say that Matt’s life will never be the same…Next week he’s travelling to Bali for a much-needed getaway.“I’m gonna chill there for a few weeks and see what happens. Always wanted to do it. I actually can now.”He’ll be running his business from a beachfront cafe, sipping a coconut and building his business in front of a low sunset… or he might just put his feet up.Anyway...Let's go back to HOW he's able to do that...THIS is what he sent me a few days after launching the offer...

“$3500 worth of deposits today”.And then he got himself on a ROLL...

Over 5 days, he took in 7 NEW clients.Which accounted for $8750 in sales.That’s $1750 a day.And then by the time he’d closed the offer, brought in 1 more client (making it 8 total), and collected the second half of payment from his new clients…He netted $20,000.Not bad for a napkin, huh?Of course, it wasn’t the napkin that helped him pull this off. It was the four steps I outlined for you above, plus a little something else, which I’ll reveal in a moment.

The 170K Coach With A Sales Problem

So as my brand has grown, people have started to seek me out…When you start showing people what’s possible with a small audience, people start to pay attention.That’s why massive creator, Louis Armstrong, came to me... to maximise the revenue from his BIG audience.

He’s best friends with Mike Thurston, Rob Lipsett and other 500K+ sized personal brands.

To say Louis seems to be doing "pretty well" is an understatment.In fact, he's crushing it.His audience love him...He's got a loyal community...He's making money...So why did he come to me?Well although Louis has a HUGE audience, he simply wasn’t capturing and extracting as much revenue as he’d like from his brand.With a >170,000 followers… you can imagine how well he could be doing if he has the right systems in place…The friend who referred me told him what I did for creators, and how I’d helped CEOs build and sell their offers too.AKA: Maximising the revenue from their audience.Then he saw how I’d been able to monetise my small audience.You see… Louis is smart.He realised that whatever worked for me on a SMALL scale… would be even more powerful when we leveraged the size of his audience.We had a meeting to see if I could help.This is what he said about it…

So we started working together.Then, one night we met in person and went out for a meal.And even over dinner, I couldn’t resist showing him just how much money was lurking in his audience, and how much they were willing to BUY from him.We put out one post on social media, and the response was overwhelming.

He got a ton of calls booked calls and went on to close 3!Yes. One dinner actually MADE him money.Not bad for someone who’s NEVER sold before…Here's what he had to say about our time working together so far:

TRIPLE HIS INCOME: Mortgage Payments… Covered!

Ahaab was one of my first-ever clients.And his story might be one of my favourites…After a few months of working together, this is what he sent me…

It didn’t stop there…

He only went on to upsell a client and TRIPLED his income.His “side income” now more than pays off his mortgage and he’s absolutely CRUSHING it. And changing lives in the process…

“1K followers in one day”

It’s not ALL about money ;)Generating unreasonable traffic levels, INBOUND leads and growing your email list is a HUGE part of developing your Deep-Value Audience, part two of the Freedom Business Model.And with Keith, we did just that…We got together and came up with a plan to attract more people to his list.The response was overwhelming.See for yourself…

This SINGLE post generated:• 1000 new followers on X
• 100+ newsletter subscribers
• 26 inbound leads

The best part?He now has the foundation to launch any offers whenever he wants – anywhere, anytime.And also the tools to grow his list dramatically whenever he likes.As you can see…I wouldn’t make the claims above about building a five-figure monthly income from a tiny social media account…If I couldn’t back it up.Like I say, I’ve done this for myself and to an even greater extent for my clients.But, if you don’t know me yet, let me quickly explain how I got here (and where I came from)...

From Caveman to Made-Man

Yes. The photo above is the same person.In fact, it's me.See, last year I came on to X as just another hopeful creator trying to build one of these "personal brands" everyone was talking about.After 4 months, things started to click and I started to gather a small audience.But just 2 months later, after months of tireless effort... reality hit me like a truck.Yes. I went broke.I was living in Sri Lanka at the time.$5000 in debt...Struggling to afford food...I was desperate.How had I gone broke?I was doing what the gurus said!I was building my audience.
I was posting content daily.
I was commenting on peoples posts.
I was doing live streams and all that jazz.
Why wasn't I making ANY money?It took me a LONG time to realise – but I eventually figured out WHY I couldn't consistently make (and keep!) good money from writing online and creating content...And in hindsight, it was obvious...Yes:I had no idea how to monetise my audience.I was left with two options:1) Sink
2) Swim
You can probably guess what I did next...I went ALL IN.You see, when the pressue is on, and you're up against it... you do crazy things...What did I do?In a moment of desperation, I launched an offer for the first time to my small email list.And guess what?It paid off!I got my first client. Then a matter of days later – a second.And used that money to hire a mentor.I wanted to keep the momentum going.(I wasn't out of the woods yet... but I was on my way out of the hole I'd created).I kept working. Harder than I've ever worked.My mentor taught me eveything he knew...And it started to pay off..

I was bringing in clients left and right.So I started upping my prices...Suddenly, I was charging $6000 a client for my 1:1.I couldn't believe how fast my income started to jump.And just 7 months later?Seemingly out of NOWHERE...In April, I hit my biggest month EVER:

Yes. $14.8k for the month.My money was compounding.Aggressively.One client even paid me $8700.I'm not kidding.I know. I'm just as shocked as you.Just 7 months ago I was looking like a hobbo... desperate and stressed out of my mind.Now?Things are just flowing. I'm making more than I ever have from a business I'm geuinely passionate about.My life has meaning. And this online busines stuff couldn't be anymore fun.Because I have FREEDOM.Not just the freedom to travel and make money...Freedom from stress.
Freedom from anxiety.
Freedom from self-doubt.
What changed?I discovered (entirely by accident) the Freedom Business Model.That's what changed.And THAT'S why I had to reverse engineer my quote-unquote "success".To figure out EXACTLY what steps I took to save my bacon, and help me start bringing home 5-figure months.And guess what?

You’re Next: Introducing Digital Odyssey

Digital Odyssey Is For You If…

1) You understand this is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It requires maximum participation from you if you want to get results.2) You’re ready to finally start taking your coaching business seriously. As much as I can help you grow, you need to want this.3) You’re ready to go on a true adventure – and become a $10k/month Freedom Business.

Everything You’ll Get As A Digital Odyssey Member

Digital Odyssey navigates around weekly lessons & live calls, guest lectures and community events.This is what you’re getting when you invest in Digital Odyssey today:• Ten weeks of intensive, in-depth training & workshops on what it truly takes to scale a personal brand to $10k/month. You'll learn and apply everything with like-minded people who want to see you win• 10 Special Guest Masterclasses from 7-figure copywriters, millionaire marketers, and top 1% content creators – learn directly from the true upper echelon of the internet entrepreneur ruling class• 20+ hours of live recording material and keep-for-life resources only found inside Digital Odyssey• The exact high-ticket sales script I use to close $6000+ prospects on the call (Just read these words off the screen and you’ll become a big-biller almost automatically)• Monthly 1:1s with me where we tackle any roadblocks you’re experiencing head-on, together• 15 documents which actually make you money, such as: The Irrefusable Offer Cheat Sheet; my Market Research Blueprint; Plug-and-play Content Strategy; and the Lead Magnet Creation Crash Course

How Much Will It Cost You To Begin Your Digital Odyssey?

You No Longer Have To Pay $6,000 To Get Coached By Me One-on-One.

You Pay Only $250 Today & $250 Each Week FollowingIf that sounds good to you....

Enrollment Closing In:


    Oh, were you expecting some crazy guarentee?Let me be crystal clear:I want action-takers and killers only.So, I do not issue refunds on digital trainings. If that alarms you or you're one of those "gotta have a guarantee" when absolutely no one on the planet can guarantee you anything (even that they'll be alive the next day), well... then this is NOT the product for you.Listen: I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that refunding is the LAST thing on your mind. If you trust me on that promise, let's do this. Throw out plan B and really go for it with me.Are you in?

    Why Now?

    This is it.Digital Odyssey is open until 5pm EST this coming Saturday.I’ve shared everything you need to know about the program here on this page.Now, it’s down to you.Remember: You're lucky.Never before in history has a time existed where you could share your ideas online to a small audience… and get paid $10k+/month for it.Not to mention: being able to fire your boss, work in your underwear or build your business from a tropical location of your choice.This cohort is here to facilitate that journey to freedom for you.So you can enjoy the feeling of receiving 4 figure stripe payments from anywhere in the world, month after month.THAT'S A FREEDOM BUSINESS.The one you deserve.But this opportunity won’t be around forever.In fact this is a LIMITED OFFER for LIMITED TIME and with LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE.A Limited OfferYes. The price will be going up after this launch. This is the last time you’ll get access to me at this price. Those who get in today will have this price LOCKED for life when you join again in the future. It's the least I could do for my OGs.Limited TimeThe doors close this Saturday – 5pm. After that, you’ll be shut out the offer completely.Limited SpotsI’m only offering this to 15 people. Why? Because I want this to be a tight-knit group. I also want to make sure you get results – and that means I want to give maximum attention to each member.2 spots are already taken, so I expect this to sell out fast.So it really is now or never.Will you procrastinate for another year, stay exactly where you are right now and let fate pass you by?Or…Will you answer the call to adventure, and begin your odyssey of building the Freedom Business you deserve?I can’t make your decision for you.You either enroll now, or you leave this page and the story ends here. And you get to watch your online friends flexing their $10k/months and travelling the world without you.Your call.

    And now, it's time to drown you in social proof.Roll credits...